Tell our elected officials: Support police accountability
Here’s what you can say to your Representative:
Hello Representative [Representative name]! My name is [your name] and I live in your district. Historically, young voters in Colorado turnout to elections in full force, and since we’re the largest voting bloc in Colorado this year, we want our elected officials to take action on issues we care about. I am calling to ask you to strongly support Senate Bill 217: The Law Enforcement Integrity and Accountability Act, which would help to curb police brutality in Colorado, and help to bring justice for the families of Elijah Mclain and De’von Bailey.
This bill, introduced by Rep. Leslie Herod, includes a state-wide accountability unit for all police departments. This bill would also ensure police convinced of violent crimes are decertified and cannot be rehired. Within the next year, all officers would be required to wear a body cam and record any incident with the public. Colorado has a real opportunity to become a champion of police accountability and justice.
My generation cares deeply about racial justice, and we demand our legislators center the voices of Black and Brown communities fighting for their dignity and humanity in this moment.
As a state, this is a critical step we can take to protect our communities and ensure that police are held accountable to the public for their actions. I strongly urge for your support of SB20-217.
Thank you for your time
Here’s what you can say to Governor Polis:
Hello Governor Polis! My name is [your name] and I live in [your city], Colorado. Historically, young voters in Colorado turnout to elections in full force, and since we’re the largest voting bloc in Colorado this year, we want our elected officials to take action on issues we care about. I am calling to ask you to strongly support Senate Bill 217: The Law Enforcement Integrity and Accountability Act, which would help to curb police brutality in Colorado, and help to bring justice for the families of Elijah Mclain and De’von Bailey.
This bill, introduced by Rep. Leslie Herod, includes a state-wide accountability unit for all police departments. This bill would also ensure police convinced of violent crimes are decertified and cannot be rehired. Within the next year, all officers would be required to wear a body cam and record any incident with the public. Colorado has a real opportunity to become a champion of police accountability and justice.
My generation cares deeply about racial justice, and we demand our legislators center the voices of Black and Brown communities fighting for their dignity and humanity in this moment.
As a state, this is a critical step we can take to protect our communities and ensure that police are held accountable to the public for their actions. I strongly urge for your support of SB20-217.
Thank you for your time.