
Statement on Protests at Auraria Campus and Colleges Across Colorado
April 29, 2024
DATE: April 29, 2024 Statement on Protests at Auraria Campus and Colleges across Colorado DENVER, CO – This past week, we’ve seen law enforcement agencies disrupt Colorado students’ right to protest and, once again, escalate a peaceful situation through unnecessary aggression, including the arrest of young activists who are exercising their legally protected right to…

2023 Annual Report
December 14, 2023
At New Era, there’s no such thing as off years. 2023 was no different. This year alone, we fought to turn Youth Agenda priorities into political realities. Just a few examples: During the legislative session, we worked with COLOR to pass SB23-190, a landmark bill that regulates the deceptive advertising practices of anti-abortion centers to…

Equity Statement Update: Healing is Resistance.
December 4, 2023
Here at New Era Colorado, we’re in a *new era* of healing and transformation. In this second update to our organizational equity statement that we first published in August 2020, we are so excited to pull back the curtains and show you how we’re shifting our work behind the scenes to better center equity in…

PRESS RELEASE: Recent SCOTUS Rulings Place Young People’s Education and Futures in Jeopardy
June 30, 2023
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 30, 2023 CONTACT: Camila Navarrette, Communications Director (323-423-5898) PRESS RELEASE: Recent SCOTUS Rulings Place Young People’s Education and Futures in Jeopardy DENVER, CO – This week, the Supreme Court issued a series of devastating opinions, two of which seriously threaten young people’s financial and educational futures. In the 6-3 Biden v. Nebraska decision…

Where do Denver’s Runoff Mayoral Candidates Stand on Youth Agenda Issues?
June 5, 2023
By Molly Stawinoga, Communications Coordinator Ahead of the June 6 runoff election for Denver’s mayor, we found ourselves gripped by a (silly yet strategic) idea: What if we asked candidates Mike Johnston and Kelly Brough increasingly spicy questions as they munched on increasingly spicy hot wings? In “Hot Ones” fashion, we put their tastebuds and…

Young People and Housing Affordability
March 13, 2023
We hear (and talk) a lot about the rising cost of living in Colorado. When creating the Youth Agenda, creating a more just economy was one of young people’s top priorities. From rent control to land grants, young people support a range of policies to create more affordable, sustainable, and safe places for people to…

Improving Abortion Access and Moving Towards Reproductive Justice
January 12, 2023
By Arianna Morales, Policy Manager The Brazen Project started as a leadership development program across Colorado college campuses to facilitate student-to-student conversations about abortion. Through talking about abortion care boldly and without shame, students channeled their passion for bodily autonomy into cultural change. Time and time again, I saw people break through their discomfort to…

Looking Back on 2022: Our Annual Report
December 12, 2022
Phew! What a year! With 2022 in our rear view mirror, we’re reflecting on the highs (there were many) and the lows (there were many) we experienced throughout the year. Throughout it all, we remained dedicated making change on the Youth Agenda and mobilizing young voters ahead of the 2022 midterm election. The hard work paid off: young…

An Organizer’s Perspective: Reproductive Rights are on the Ballot
October 31, 2022
By Evaristo Gomez, Boulder Youth Agenda Organizer Organizing is not for the faint of heart. It can be discouraging trying to engage with young people who are apathetic or angry, but the impact we can make is what brings us back to this demanding work. We advocate for people; we empower people. By telling people…

We have an exciting opportunity to join the board at New Era and help guide this organization!
May 23, 2022
As you may have heard, New Era has just released a new strategic plan! We have so many exciting shifts that are taking place as an organization, including: deepening and sharpening our electoral work to become more targeted and localized, engaging in more policymaking on the Youth Agenda, and expanding our leadership development program across…