Our High School Leadership Development Program


Learn how to organize on the issues that matter most to young people

If you are…

  • new to organizing, politics, and advocacy
  • are looking for an opportunity to learn more about political engagement
  • a high school student
  • are excited by the progressive power of our generation

… then this program is for you!


Learning & skill development, along with hands-on organizing opportunities

You will be an active participant in New Era’s 2022 Leadership Development program, which will include regular trainings, educational experiences, hands-on organizing opportunities, professional development, and coaching. Learning topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Foundational anti-racism learning and opportunities to deepen and practice anti-racism values and messaging
  • The history of organizing and movement-building
  • Organizing skills development
  • The issues that matter most to young people, particularly young people of color (the Youth Agenda), including abortion
  • Systems of governance


Interested? Fill out this form to stay in the loop!


Want to hear more? Email us at info@neweracolorado.org so we can get in touch!