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Organizational Archives - New Era Colorado

Statement on Protests at Auraria Campus and Colleges Across Colorado
April 29, 2024
DATE: April 29, 2024 Statement on Protests at Auraria Campus and Colleges across Colorado DENVER, CO – This past week, we’ve seen law enforcement agencies disrupt Colorado students’ right to protest and, once again, escalate a peaceful situation through unnecessary aggression, including the arrest of young activists who are exercising their legally protected right to…

2023 Annual Report
December 14, 2023
At New Era, there’s no such thing as off years. 2023 was no different. This year alone, we fought to turn Youth Agenda priorities into political realities. Just a few examples: During the legislative session, we worked with COLOR to pass SB23-190, a landmark bill that regulates the deceptive advertising practices of anti-abortion centers to…

Equity Statement Update: Healing is Resistance.
December 4, 2023
Here at New Era Colorado, we’re in a *new era* of healing and transformation. In this second update to our organizational equity statement that we first published in August 2020, we are so excited to pull back the curtains and show you how we’re shifting our work behind the scenes to better center equity in…

Looking Back on 2022: Our Annual Report
December 12, 2022
Phew! What a year! With 2022 in our rear view mirror, we’re reflecting on the highs (there were many) and the lows (there were many) we experienced throughout the year. Throughout it all, we remained dedicated making change on the Youth Agenda and mobilizing young voters ahead of the 2022 midterm election. The hard work paid off: young…

We have an exciting opportunity to join the board at New Era and help guide this organization!
May 23, 2022
As you may have heard, New Era has just released a new strategic plan! We have so many exciting shifts that are taking place as an organization, including: deepening and sharpening our electoral work to become more targeted and localized, engaging in more policymaking on the Youth Agenda, and expanding our leadership development program across…

Announcing: Our new strategic plan! (& a brand to match)
April 7, 2022
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new strategic plan and a whole new brand to go with it! You can check out the full strategic plan right here. A lot has changed since we were founded in 2006—a time when everyone was busy ranking their top friends on MySpace and the most viral…

2020 Electoral Impact
November 30, 2020
Young Coloradans shattered records during the 2020 election, turning out at historic rates and cementing their place as the largest voting bloc in the state. During a global pandemic, national racial reckoning, and a contentious election cycle, New Era Colorado continued to do what we do best—meet young people where they’re at, break through the…

Please welcome our next Executive Director!
December 17, 2019
We’re thrilled to close out an already incredible 2019 with an exciting announcement: New Era Colorado’s board of directors has enthusiastically and unanimously selected Nicole Hensel to be New Era’s next Executive Director! Over the last several months, we’ve conducted a national, highly competitive search for New Era’s next leader—and Nicole impressed us at every…

New Era Advocacy Director Appointed For Higher Ed Commission
July 31, 2019
Our Advocacy Director, Charley Olena, was just appointed by Governor Polis to serve on the Colorado Commission on Higher Education! It’s essential for our generation to have a seat at the table with issues like higher education that directly impact us. Congratulations to Charley for this incredible honor—we’re so excited for her to fight for…